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my105 - No. 1 Race car classfieds
my105 - No. 1 Race car classfieds

How Auction Works on My105

Placing your bid

Credit card required for verification and fees
Due dilligence & logistics
Read the description carefully, contact the seller with any questions you may have, plan for payment and vehicle delivery. The description of the vehicle is, to the best of the seller’s knowledge, accurate and not misleading. We will always request a range of details about the vehicle from the seller, however potential buyers must independently satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of the description. We recommend that you should view or arrange inspections as well as conduct any research that you feel is necessary before committing to bid or buy.
Place your bid
Bids are binding. Be ready to win.

During the auction

  • All auctions have a reserve price, unless stated otherwise
  • You'll be notified if you're outbid, and before auction closure
  • Sniping protection extends the auction to allow final bids

When the auction ends

  • If the reserve is met, the highest bidder has won
  • Otherwise, the highest bidder gets the first right to negotiate
  • If there is no deal, other participants may also get a chance

If you win

  • My105 provides you and the seller with each other's contact information
  • You and the seller work together to complete the sale.
  • You are required to pay the seller the full hammer price within 7 days of the auction ending, unless the seller agrees to an alternative.
  • Buyers are responsible for all shipping and other costs, including insurance and importation if applicable.

Buyer's premium

  • For successful sales My105 charges a 6% buyer's premium on top of the full hammer price (minimum of $1,000, maximum of $12,000)
  • If My105 successfully brokers a deal after an auction passes in the full buyer's premium also applies

Got questions?

Please contact us